What is a Builder’s Warranty Inspection?

A “Builder’s Warranty Inspection” or an, “11 Month Warranty Inspection,” can be used interchangeably.  Both refer to a formal inspection by a third party (click HERE for Tallahassee’s best option), before the home builders warranty period ends for the home. All newly built homes will have some type of 1 year warranty from the builder, though it can be longer for some items and some builders.

Do I need a Builder’s Warranty Inspection or an 11th Month Warranty Inspection?

People often wonder if they really need a formal home inspection on home that was just built and not even a year old and the answer is, YES! More than at any other time! These warranties are only helpful if you use them, and a lot of times items that should be covered are hiding in plain sight. We want to make sure you, the homeowner, gets the maximum benefit from the builder. The 11 month warranty inspection report is your best and likely last chance to document unresolved issues before the expiration of the Builders responsibility.

We preform the builder warranty inspections the same way we do a general home inspection for a transaction and we include things in our reports that may go beyond the builders warranty coverage as well, strictly for your benefit. During an 11 month warranty inspection, it’s a great time to talk with me about anything concerning your home and get that list of things you’ve been wondering about discussed. If something is outside my scope, I will point you in the right direction, but more often than not I end up having great conversations with homeowners about things they’re concerned about. I have no hidden agenda, I’m a great resource for real world information about a home and it’s components.

If you had a home inspection before closing, a warranty inspection is still needed to confirm that no issues have developed or shown themselves now that 11 months of time have passed, systems have been used and the house has been lived in. Call to schedule today!

Home inspector in Tallahassee finds the wrong product was installed for the rooftop dryer vent cover during a builder's warranty inspection.

A common issue found during builder warranty inspections. An incorrect attic exhaust vent was used for the dryer exhaust duct, and is obviously clogging. The proper dryer vent cover should be installed.

Home inspector in Tallahassee finds the wrong product was installed during a 11th month warranty inspection.

Here is a different example of a common issue found during an 11th month warranty inspections. An incorrect attic exhaust vent was used for the dryer exhaust duct, and is obviously clogging. The proper dryer vent cover should be installed. This style of vent was intended for bathroom ventilation fans.

A loose exterior light fixture was noted during an 11th month warranty inspection in Crawfordville, FL

A common item noted in the electrical section of a 11th month warranty inspection is a loose light fixture. All light fixtures should be securely mounted to the home.

Inadequate insulation levels in an attic found during an 11th month warranty inspection in Crawfordville, FL.

The tape measure in my hand is set to the depth (13.75″) that the builder’s statement showed the insulation levels were installed to. As you can see the house is way under insulated, this was noted in an 11th month warranty inspection.

A loose toilet is a common defect listed in an 11th month warranty inspection report in the Tallahassee area.

A common item noted in the plumbing section of an 11th month warranty inspection is a loose toilet. Toilets should not have any movement.

A water heater was installed without a proper pan, a defect noted during a builder's warranty inspection in NE Tallahasseee.

Water heaters should be installed inside a proper pan if a leak could cause damage to the building. This water heater is not in a pan and a leak would damage the wood platform it’s sitting on. This defect was noted during a builder’s warranty inspection on the NE side of Tallahassee.

An improperly insulated HVAC supply plenum was covered in condensation and was discovered during a builder's warranty inspection in Tallahassee.

The main supply plenum had a section where the insulation was not properly secured to the duct and was causing it to condensate in the attic. This defect was found during a builder’s warranty inspection.

During a builder's warranty inspection, an open junction box was noted in the attic.

Why does it always seem like it’s the farthest, hardest junction boxes to get to that don’t have the proper lids? Every junction box needs to be closed and that’s a common item found during a builder’s warranty inspection.

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